تعتبر أكاديمية الفن واحدة من أندية و مشاريع مجلس بعلبك الثّقافي التي تمّ اختيارها بعناية لمعالجة العديد من المشاكل وحلّها. ومن هذه المشاكل تلك الناتجة عن السّلوك السّلبي السّائد في المنطقة، خاصّة لدى الشباب فيما يتعلقّ بميل البعض، للأسف ، إلى الإدمان على المخدّرات والعنف ( الإهتمام بأعمال غير قانونية كإطلاق النّار في المناسبات). بالإضافة إلى إهمال أهمية الخلفيّة الثقافيّة في التنمية المجتمعيّة. ومن المشاكل الأخرى الإنتشار المؤسف للآفات الإجتماعية المرتبطة بالصّراعات الناشئة عن قضايا مختلفة ( دينية، مالية، عائلية)، وفوق كل شيء، الفجوة التي تكبر بين الجيل الجديد والإرث الفريد لبعلبك، المدينة السياحية الضّاربة في التّاريخ.
For all of this, we have decided to establish an “Art Academy” (music, dancing, sculpture, painting, photography, etc.) with an ultimate goal of forming in time a professional band that performs in national and international concerts including The International Festivals of Baalback, in addition to being a school of art that gives a chance for talented dancers, painters, sculptors, photographers and other artists to improve their skills in a professional and academic way. We believe that this would also promote, primarily, self-discipline and alleviates the level of personal civilizing.
Due to the abovementioned points, the outcomes of the Art Academy are expected to be observed on the participants directly and through them on their families and friends, and the whole society. These outcomes are going to be on many levels; social (promote positive social interactions and constructive rules of sharing behavioral disciplines), psychological (raise self-confidence in participants, reduce their tendency for violence through music and art in general, and reduce their feeling of discrimination), financial (give them a chance to become productive through their acquired skills – sharing in festivals, displaying in galleries) and personal (develop skills and abilities, help to raise the level of concentration, enrich information about human cultures and art history and celebrities, teach them to mindset, organize their thoughts and steps, and work in harmony).
+961 81 834 606
Dr. Habib Jammal hall, Old Souk
Baalbeck, Lebanon